Get Started with a BASE Bangkok Personal Trainer Get Started with a BASE Bangkok Personal Trainer Get Started with a BASE Bangkok Personal Trainer

Get Started with a BASE Bangkok Personal Trainer

Personal training at BASE is focused 100% on you and your specific goals, with our coaches following our six-step process to success.

Our team of fitness coaches are highly qualified and experienced but, just as importantly, friendly and 100% committed to you hitting your goals.

Personal training sessions are typically 1 hour and can be scheduled at a time that suits you.

We do not allow open gym at BASE, only coached training, which means you have more space and less people in our training area.

Our ‘Personal Training Trial Pack’ includes:

👉🏽 A 30-minute consultation to meet your coach and discuss your goals
👉🏽 4 x Personal Training sessions
👉🏽 An InBody Scan to monitor your results and progress.

If you haven’t tried PT before, this is a great way to get started for just 9,900thb⚡️

Not sure where to start?

Just fill the form and the team will be in touch to help 🙋🏼

Our coaches are at the top of the industry. We always ensure we deliver you the best in every session. Get to know our coaches here.

We can’t wait to get you started!

If you need any help, reach out to us – the BASE team are ready to help!

Contact us or visit our social media at:
INSTAGRAM @basebangkok
LINE@ @basegym