BASELINE Frequently Asked Questions
BASELINE is our system of tracking and recording your results and progress.
We’ve carefully designed the BASELINE platform to be fun, motivating and a useful tool towards becoming stronger, faster and fitter.
You can find out more about BASELINE on our ‘What Is BASELINE?‘ blog post.
Below are some of the frequently asked questions we’ve received about BASELINE and setting it up.
How do I log in?
If you already know your username and password, you can sign in at:
If you have just received your ‘Welcome to BASELINE’ email then first click the link on the email:

Your pre-set username will then be shown, along with the option to set a password. To keep this username, simply enter your password in twice and hit ‘SET PASSWORD’.

If you’d like to enter a new username, you can do this now by simply changing the username and entering in a password. As long as the user is not already taken, it’s yours!

Next, fill in your personal details before hitting ‘GO’.

You are now in and you’re profile has been set up! Your STATS screen will now show your progress so far:

Your BASELINE journey starts now.
Play around with your member dashboard to see how you’ve been doing so far and don’t worry if there’s only one score showing on some of the sets – you can aim to beat that next time round!
How do I reset my password?
Don’t worry, we all forget our passwords from time to time. First, go to:
Then, click on LOGIN.

Then click on ‘Forgot Your Password?’

Then enter your email address and click ‘SEND PASSWORD RESET LINK’. Details on how to reset your password will be sent to your email address.

Still having problems? Contact us at [email protected]
How do I change my details – username, email, screen name, gender?
If you want to change your profile details, first go to the PROFILE tab of your member dashboard.
From here, you can simply amend your details on this screen:

After you are done, click ‘UPDATE’ at the bottom of the page.
How do I change my password?
To update your password, first go to the PROFILE section of the member dashboard.
Then, enter your current password before entering your new password. Confirm your password and then click ‘UPDATE’.

Not sure of your current password? See the FAQ above on how to reset your password.
How do I go into ‘private mode’ to keep my scores off the public scoreboard?
If you don’t want your scores to show on our public class scoreboards, you can choose to go into ‘private mode’.
To do this, go into the PROFILE tab of your member dashboard. From here, scroll down to YOUR PRIVACY and un-check the box ‘Show me on screens in classes’. Then click UPDATE.

If you’d like to go public and have your scores shown on the leaderboards and scoreboards, simply go back in and check this box.
Can I switch off emails?
To switch off the automated emails, go to the PROFILE tab of your member dashboard.
Scroll down to YOUR PRIVACY and un-check the box ‘Receive an email after each workout’. Then click update.

If you’d like to start receiving emails again, simply go back into your PROFILE, check the box and click UPDATE.
How do I enter my goals?
First go to the GOALS tab on your member dashboard. From here, hit ‘ADD GOAL’

After this, enter your:
Goal type
Weight – in kg
Burn fat – enter your target body fat %
Build muscle – enter your target kg of muscle
Then you can enter a start date and end date (optional).

Your goal has been set! You can now add a new goal at ADD GOAL, change your goal at ADJUST GOAL or check our tips at RECOMMENDATIONS.

For example, here’s some of our recommendations for burning fat.

How do I input a measurement?
Once we’ve set a goal (see above) you can input your measurements to see how you’re doing.
To do this, go to the GOALS tab of your member profile. You will see this screen:

On this screen, simply enter one or all measurements to start keeping track of your weight and body composition progress.
How do I know my Weight (kg), body fat (%) and Muscle Mass (kg)
At BASE, we have the industry-leading InBody machines which scan your body in a safe and non-intrusive way to accurately measure your weight, body fat % and muscle mass.
BASE members get 2 free scans a month to effectively monitor how their body is chaning. For non-members, a scan is 300thb.
What is the ‘MESSAGE’ feature?
If your coach didn’t get the chance to talk with you in the workout they may wish to connect with you afterwards.
This might be to congratulate you on a great session or to help with your form or technique.
This is a great way to get some personal coaching outside of the session. If you’d rather not receive these messages, simply un-check the box in your PROFILE tab.

How do I change my profile photo?
To change your profile picture, please email your full name and desired profile picture to [email protected]
Alternatively, we can take a new one for you at any BASE front desk. Our Customer Service and Operations team will be happy to assist!
What does one dot on the graph mean?
If there is just a dot on the screen, that means you’ve only recorded one score before on this set. Try and beat it next time!

Will all locations have the same cardio and strength sets on the same day?
Yes, we run the exact same run, row and bike sets across all branches on any given day. For strength, we have one BASELINE strength exercise each day that we track
The program is cycled every 15 days. Do I need to join the same class to try the same program to see my progress?
No, you can join any BASE X, BASE BURN, BASECAMP class at any location to do that day’s sets.
Do BASE X, BASE BURN, BASECAMP have the same cardio sets?
Yes, BASE X, BASE BURN & BASECAMP have the same standard cardio sets on any given day
What’s next for BASELINE?
BASELINE will change the way you train.
We have so many great features planned such as leagues and challenges with friends, male and female leaderboards and more sophisticated tracking and dashboard features.
Our next step is to focus on the user experience, to make tracking your stats easy, smooth and clear.
We’ll be constantly improving our dashboard and implementing new features to make BASELINE a slicker and more exciting experience.
Thanks for being part of our soft launch. If you have any feedback on new features you’d like to see, please let us know at [email protected]
I need more help!
No problem – if there’s anything else we can do to help, please contact us as [email protected]