Split Monthly Payments – Terms and Conditions Split Monthly Payments – Terms and Conditions Split Monthly Payments – Terms and Conditions

Split Monthly Payments – Terms and Conditions

Monthly split payments are offered as a benefit to members who want our larger packages with lower per session training rates. By entering into our Monthly Split Payment option you are agreeing to the following:

1. Monthly split payments are to be paid monthly, starting from the date of the first payment. Example: If your first payment is 4th January and it’s a three-payment plan, your second payment will be due on 4th February, your third on 4th March.

If payment has not been made by the date due, no more training sessions can be conducted at BASE until the next outstanding payment has been made.

Please kindly note that payments are still due if the package is frozen due to holiday, sickness or injury.

2. After the initial payment, the number of sessions made available each month will correlate to the package.

For example:

GROUP CLASS: 16x/30x per month program, the following sessions will be made available:

Payment 1: 16 or 30 sessions are released for usage

Payment 2, 3:: 16 or 30 sessions are released for usage

Final payment: All remaining sessions will be made available

PERSONAL TRAINING: The following number of sessions will be made available after the first payment before the second payment is due:

2x training per week: 9 sessions will be available to use after each payment, to cover each month’s training sessions before the next payment is due. After the final payment, all remaining sessions will be made available.

3x training per week: 15 sessions will be available to use after each payment, to cover each month’s training sessions before the next payment is due. After the final payment, all remaining sessions will be made available.

4x training per week: 18 sessions will be available to use after each payment, to cover each month’s training sessions before the next payment is due. After the final payment, all remaining sessions will be made available.

3. Packages are non-refundable. In the case that a payment is overdue for more than one month, the package is considered canceled and any remaining sessions on the package are considered used.

Before continuing with our split monthly payment offer, a form must be signed to confirm that our terms and conditions have been read and our understood.

Any questions? Contact us today and the team will be happy to help!