BASE Lowdown: Personal Trainer, Coach Gun Janchai BASE Lowdown: Personal Trainer, Coach Gun Janchai BASE Lowdown: Personal Trainer, Coach Gun Janchai

BASE Lowdown: Personal Trainer, Coach Gun Janchai

Getting the lowdown on BASE personal trainer Gun Janchai, an ACE and CSCS certified fitness coach and specialist in Calisthenic exercises.

Gun is also specialises in Deep tissue massage therapy and love to help a client that need post-injury management and those who want to discover their physical ability.

Learn more about Gun Janchai’s training style on his BASE Team profile page.

What’s non-negotiable for you when it comes to fitness and health?

A non negotiable for me is gymnastics. It is an iron rule to keep your gymnastic/calisthenic muscle performance. So 5 days without a handstand or calisthenic training is a no no.

What’s a typical breakfast for you?

At least two eggs in the morning and my meals are typically based on the classic food pyramid approach.

How do you manage your training and diet when you’re on holiday?

Training time is training time, and holiday time is holiday time. No strict training and diet can disturb my life when I’m on vacation.

What’s your best strategy to stay motivated?

Finding new things to learn. Life is about learning. For example, learning new field of fitness.

The best thing we can do for ourselves is…

Obtaining new skills and knowledge, and exploring the world.

What’s your go-to snack?


What do you do to relax?

Do almost nothing. Just sit and stare into space. Like a resting muscle after a high intensity workout, our brain needs a period of time to relax and stop thinking.

What’s your post-workout routine?

Protein within 30 minutes.

Sum up your dietary approach in a sentence?

My dietary approach is a classic 3 meals a day.

Being a good personal trainer means…

Sharing the feeling of happiness from what a client has accomplished, and sweeping away the negative feelings from a client.

What’s the biggest diet mistake or misconception?

“This boba tea is my lunch and dinner meals replacement,” said someone I knew. You need foods that contain macronutrients and micronutrients for your body system.

What are your top tips for how to keep your energy levels up?

Try to sleep at 10.30pm and achieve 8 hours of sleep. It will get brighter tomorrow.

I believe everyone should…

Find the purpose of their life and search for their own happiness that isn’t based on other people’s preference.

“Find the purpose of their life and search for their own happiness that isn’t based on other people’s preference. “

-Gun J.

3,2,1… GO!

Best Bangkok Healthy Eatery? Emquatier Gourmet Market Salad bar
Favorite Cheat Meal?  Pizza and Burger. Don’t forget fries and root beer.
Favorite Exercise?  Handstand. 7 years of trying hard.
Most-hated exercise?  Burpee. I find getting out of bed is hard enough. 
Weird fact about you?  I’m a heavy eater. They called me gluttony king.
One thing you can’t live without?  Liver. I need to detoxified a lot of things.