How Erik Committed Big & Lost 14.1kg How Erik Committed Big & Lost 14.1kg How Erik Committed Big & Lost 14.1kg

How Erik Committed Big & Lost 14.1kg

.You don’t always need the numbers to see how quickly our clients are moving closer to their weight loss goals.

Every time Erik walked through the doors he looked in better shape and achieve more in his weight loss journey. Committing to a solid 3-4 sessions a week, Erik gave a great example of what happens when you fully commit to the BASE concept.

The stats:

⬇️  LOST 14.1KG
⬆️  BASELINE fitness score up 139 points

Here’s Erik’s story:

“I lost 14kg in 10 weeks while training 3x a week at BASE. I feel much better and lighter in just 2.5 months.

After gaining weight during and running up to the songkran holidays – the mandatory two bottles of wine and g&t’s with my dad, every day – I came back to Thailand, feeing like a potato and decided enough is enough. I joined the BASE 60 day challenge with a goal to get to 10% body fat.

I followed Jack’s advice of eating my own Paleo food, completely cut out liquid calories (including alcohol), and added in regular exercise at BASE. I posted every Sunday a picture of the scale and shared it with my family who was enjoying the 1kg-weight-loss- every-week show.

Now the 60day challenge is over, but the race for 10% body fat is on. A glass of red wine with my steak is back on the menu though.”