How Dear Lost 4.3% Body Fat In 60 Days & Won Our Challenge How Dear Lost 4.3% Body Fat In 60 Days & Won Our Challenge How Dear Lost 4.3% Body Fat In 60 Days & Won Our Challenge

How Dear Lost 4.3% Body Fat In 60 Days & Won Our Challenge

Dear was training regularly before BASE, but a combination of our personal training and group classes really helped her hit her fat loss, muscle gain and performance goals.

Dear has dropped 7.5% body fat since training at BASE and 4.3% of this came during our 60 Day Challenge. Here are her accomplishments in summary:

  •  Dropped 7.5% body fat
  •  Gained 0.5kg of muscle
  • Lost 5.9kg weight
  • Completed her first (and then second) Spartan Race!
  • Improved her BASELINE fitness score by 42%

Here’s her story:

In the past, I have had a more casual relationship to my personal fitness. I had joined many gyms, (the trendy ones) paid lots of money, got a bit of training but found it very tough to maintain any real consistency.

Also, I LOVE to eat and that made it difficult to visually see any progress.

Dear with BASE Coach Matt after her first Spartan Race

BASE was an entirely new level of intensity. You are NOT alone or on your own at BASE. The coaches and trainers were better than I’ve ever had. They worked me personally and pushed me way beyond anything I thought I was capable of doing.

The amazing, creative variety of programs & trainings kept me motivated to keep breaking through to new levels in my strength and fitness.

Dear with her crew and Coach Mek after a big BASE session

And the people around you, working with you, creates an incredible feeling of enthusiasm and inspiration for each other.

For me personally, BASE is not just a gym. They are a wonderful family committed to people’s extraordinary health, vitality and fitness.

Read more of our success stories and the best Bangkok fitness guides here!