Course Announcement!
Our next Eleiko Weightlifting Course will be on February 8th and 9th, 2025 at CrossFit TenFive.
Sign up today here!
Course details:
π Crossfit TenFive – map
February 8th and 9th, 2025
πΒ 9.00am – 5.30pm
β CEUs: NASM (1.4)
Eleiko Weightlifting Level 1
The Eleiko Weightlifting Level 1 live course is designed to help you develop a deep understanding of effective instruction, cueing, and feedback and provide a system for assessing and progressing novice or advanced weightlifters.
Our two-day course is designed to up-skill coaches in the areas of coaching, technical movement, and programming for weightlifting. Eleiko Weightlifting Level One introduces participants to the weightlifting movements (snatch and clean & jerk) along with front and overhead squats. It also introduces fundamentals that are required to build basic weightlifting training programmes and/or incorporate weightlifting into traditional programming.
During this course you will:
β Utilize stance, grip, position and action to instruct proper lifting technique
β Uncover a simple framework for you to systematically spot, adjust and correct lifting compensations
β Manipulate the acute variables of a programme to achieve the desired outcome
Learning Objectives:
β Learn to confidently progress novice or advanced lifters through weightlifting movements
β Practice different movement screens to determine someoneβs ability (appropriate starting point)
β Identify compensations and understand how they alter the lifting mechanics
β Utilize a framework for addressing compensations and improving lifting performance
Course Content:
Introduction & Performance
Weightlifting movement screens
The Snatch
The Clean
The Jerk
Coaching techniques
Lifting form the floor
Compensations and corrections
Coaching to address compensations
Coaching activity
Programming, placement and progressions
Included in the course:
β Two days of live education (16 hours total)
β ELEIKO Weightlifting Level One Level Attending Certificate for CEUs
β Course manual
CEUs LIVE + ONLINE: NASM (2.7), NSCA (1.6)
Ready to join? Sign up here β¬