How BASE Uses Data To Get Results And Take Out The Guesswork How BASE Uses Data To Get Results And Take Out The Guesswork How BASE Uses Data To Get Results And Take Out The Guesswork

How BASE Uses Data To Get Results And Take Out The Guesswork

Our BUILD YOUR BASE 60 Day Challenges have shown us the huge power of collecting data, setting the right goals and tracking results.

The program has been a big success and has produced some incredible transformations.

These incredible changes have happened by following a proven formula for success, combined with the drive and commitment of the participants.

Put simply, if you fully commit to our process you will see results.

Our mix of education, correct goal setting, coach support, structured and well-designed training programs and data driven tracking of results works… and we know it works because we have the data to prove it.

We’ve just finished crunching the numbers from our last 60 Day Challenge. This is what we found:

From those that finished the challenge, we had an average body fat % drop of 2.3% with many at 4%, 5% and even 6.5% (our biggest drop over 60 days).

The recommended body fat % drop is around 1% of month, so to AVERAGE that amongst the group is really quite special.

Fitter, stronger, faster

But it’s also about performance and fitness, and for this we saw our biggest improvements yet of all 3 challenges that we have done:

Our average BASELINE scores over the 60 days:

234 on Day 1st
269 on Day 30th
308 on Day 60th

The data on our participants average fitness score over 60 days

This means that not only are our participants lost body fat, but they became stronger, fitter, faster and more powerful.

For the average BASELINE result to go up 31% is really special… and the top performers positively soured.

Dan W lead the way for the guys with:

294 points up to 450 points – a 53% increase.

And Jakina B leading the girls with:

160 points up to 309, an unbelievable 90% increase!

We don’t just want you to feel great, we want to show you that our system and approach works, through data.

The coaches at BASE want to leave nothing to chance and won’t rest until you’ve hit your goals.

Beyond the data, we’ve had many positive stories of people who feel stronger than ever before and are continuing their journey beyond the 60 day challenge, which as I said at the beginning should be the goal for all.

Individual success

Simply too many to mention them all, but here are some of the more spectacular results:

NF who trains with Dustin at Sathorn lost 8.4kg and dropped 5.7% body fat and is continuing to smash it beyond the 60 days!

LS, a group class client at Sathorn, wasn’t overweight but wanting to reduce her body fat %. By consistently hitting the classes she dropped a huge 6.4%.

Matt and Sara trained together as a couple and used that shared motivational spark to lose 5.8% body fat between them. They haven’t stopped at 60 days and you can find them at BASE most evenings. You can read their full story here.


Why the data matters

There are a few reasons why our system of tracking beats just trying to train hard and hope to hit your goals. These are:

If you aren’t seeing the results you want we can analyze the data and try to see what’s going wrong. We can then suggest a new angle or approach until you’re moving towards your goals. In our 60 Day Challenge we use the half way personal training session to do this.

Sometimes things are not as they seem and data helps us get the full picture. Look at our InBody body composition scan below.

A great example of how Nat's weight did not change but she lost fat and built muscle

Notice how her weight has gone up. Often, when people see the number on the scale go up they start to get disheartened. Started to lose faith and sometimes even give up on the spot.

But the data below her weight tells a different story. Her muscle mass has increased by 1.9kg and her body fat percentage has gone done by 5.1%. In summary, she has lost fat and it has been replaced by denser, lean muscle.

Check out her transformation below! She’s also feeling better than ever and loves her training. A great success, but if we only had the scales to go by we wouldn’t know what’s going on and she may have lost hope along the way.

Nat's great transformation picture showed how she got great fat loss results

Click here to read Nat’s full transformation story!